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Shower Buddies

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As much as the anatomy of this picture makes me cringe, I still see the pictures I drew around this time as the beginning of a marked improvement in my art quality. The level of detail was increasing, the shading technique was improving, and the line quality was improving, though it was still nowhere near close to what it is today.

This is Don, the big Snorlax mafia boss of my group's Pokemon universe. One of his defining quirks is that he can't shower without a male shower buddy. It's not a gay thing, it's just something he's gotten used to and come to expect. He used to be his dad's shower buddy, and he just picked up the same little quirk. Anyway, that's where his assistant Pauly, the Rattata comes in. Considering they work so closely together, Don comes to expect Pauly to be his shower buddy and help wash him off. Pauly begrudgingly does what he has to... after all, what choice does he have? It's either wash Don's fat ass or take a beating from that club of a cock.

Originally posted October 2012.

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